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Donald Trump Jr. said Wednesday that all undocumented immigrants will have to leave the country if his father is elected, seemingly contradicting his father’s suggestion earlier this week that some would be able to stay.

In a local interview with Joe St. George, a reporter for FOX 31 Denver, Trump Jr. was asked to clarify his father’s immigration policy, after the weeks of the Trump campaign oscillated between harsher and more lenient immigration policies.

“The policy is you can’t start a negotiation with someone perpetrating a crime—” Trump Jr. began, before being interrupted by St. George.

“They all have to go?” St. George asked.

“Everyone does have to go,” Trump Jr. clarified.

Trump Sr. began his campaign promising to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States, but has recently dodged questions over whether that is still his policy. As recently as Monday, he told ABC News’s David Muir that it “could be” that some undocumented immigrants could stay in the country.

Also in the interview, Trump Jr. defended his father’s campaign policy of banning certain media organizations from covering his events.

“There is one thing to be critical there is another thing to cover lies that are then retracted once the headline is published,” Trump Jr. said.

When asked the reasoning behind the campaign’s recent decision to end the blacklist though, Trump Jr. admitted he did not know the reason.

“I don’t know — I don’t know what the policy is. Ultimately, they’re gonna report what they’re gonna report.”

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