Who We Are
Bramston & Associates is an independent commodities trading company. Bramston & Associates Commodities line of business includes agricultural and petrochemical products wholesale trading.
What We Do
We trade physical commodities working out the optimal ways to pass goods from their points of origin to the points of consumption. We connect commodity producers and end-users by determining the time and form of delivery that would minimise the costs while retaining the commodity quality.
How We Do It
We are focused on a long-term success of the business, promoting management stability and encouraging prudent risk management.
Business Activity
We focus on supply from and to African markerts.
Bramston & Associates deals with physical trading, logistics of agricultural and petrochemical goods and re-energy.
We use our market knowledge and best practices in logistics and infrastructure to:
› Transport physical commodities from places where they are abundant to where they are in demand;
› Store physical commodities in case of excess supply and allocate inventories when the demand increases;
› Blend physical commodities to alter their quality or grade, according to customer specifications.